Shot on iPhone 8+ with Moment Lenses.

Even as professional photographers and videographers we found ourselves using our cellphones to capture a lot of our on the go content for both our family and our business. That’s why we purchased Moment Lenses! Moment makes a variety of lenses and photography gear for your mobile device that can elevates your cellphone camera to a more professional quality. If you’re interested in learning how Moment lenses can up YOUR cellphone game click below and get 10% off any of your purchase.

Before and Afters

Iphone 8+ (standard 1x Iphone Lens)

Iphone 8+ (standard 1x Iphone Lens)

Iphone 8+ (Moment Wide 18mm Lens)

Iphone 8+ (Moment Wide 18mm Lens)

Iphone 8+ (standard 1x Iphone Lens)

Iphone 8+ (standard 1x Iphone Lens)

Iphone 8+ (Moment Wide 18mm Lens)

Iphone 8+ (Moment Wide 18mm Lens)